The IE Complete Count Committee has concluded its work for the 2020 Decennial Census. This website, its contents, and hyperlinks will not be updated.


Inland Empire Complete Count Committee

Individual county governments are typically the primary driver of census awareness and outreach across the country. In January of 2019, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties took a historic step in unanimously passing resolutions to combine resources as one unified region to best ensure our communities are properly counted. The Inland Empire Complete Count Committee (IE-CCC) is a leadership body that draws on representatives from the nonprofit, government, education, business, and philanthropic sectors to develop a Census awareness campaign specific to San Bernardino and Riverside Counties. Members of the Nonprofit Census Outreach Table are members of the IE-CCC but this entity is unique in its own right. This website is dedicated to uplifting the work of the Inland Empire Complete Count Committee.

Nonprofit Census Outreach Table

Building on the growing collaborative capacity of the Inland Empire, the Nonprofit Census Outreach Table has formed a broad coalition of community-based organizations with deep roots in under-served areas to coordinate Census awareness and outreach. Each individual organization has a unique mission and expertise, and through working together and sharing resources, we as a collective can best ensure our community at large and on the regional level is counted fully and accurately in the 2020 Census. To learn more about the Nonprofit Census Outreach Table, visit their website below.

What is the Census? Why is it important?

The United States Census is a national population count that occurs every ten years. The data collected by the census will help Riverside and San Bernardino counties’ diverse communities ensure everyone is equally represented in our political system and that government resources are allocated fairly to local communities for public services and infrastructure needs.

How will my information be protected?

Title 13 of the U.S. Code governs the Census Bureau and provides strong protections on the information that they collect. It is illegal for the Census Bureau to disclose or publish any private information that identifies any individuals or businesses. Information provided by someone who participates in a Census Bureau survey cannot be used against them. Census Bureau employees are legally required to maintain the confidentiality of your data for life. Violation of Title 13 is a federal crime. Learn more by visiting:

Census 2020 Results

SOURCE: Nikie Johnson, Southern California News Group

SOURCE: Nikie Johnson, Southern California News Group